Sunday, August 24, 2008

NC Trip


John intervied with a company in Raleigh, North Carolina last Tuesday. We decided to all go with him. It was a beautiful drive, but we had a few scarry experiences and felt as if firey darts were flying at us. It was interesting, but we kept looking forward and hoping the interview would go well, and it did. John felt very positive about things. They are looking to open an office in the future, in Salt Lake. Yea! Maybe a transfer would happen if this is the company we go with.

We stayed in an RV park in Smithfield, NC. It was beautiful! The Raleigh area is only about 2 hours from Wilmington, NC (the beach) and as we spent one day looking at homes and getting a feel for the area we were pleasantly pleased.

After the trials of getting there, we had a wonderful experience at at the Raleigh Temple. As we were visiting the grounds, the Temple President came out and invited us into the waiting area. It was a beautiful and peaceful experience. He spent about an hour visiting with us. He told us about the growth in the area and that the wards there had at least 100 children in the Primary and large and strong youth programs. The chruch building next to the Temple was home to 4 wards with a new chapel being built about 10 miles away and that there would soon be some wards split. It was wonderful to hear that. No matter where we live, we hope to move to an area where the church is strong and there are lots of youth/primary age children. I know we will be blessed. We still have our hearts on Utah, and if not now then sometime in the future.

On Monday John has an interview with a large company in Atlanta, they also have offices in the West. So as I said before, if not to Utah and the West now, then a future transfer. Don't give up hope.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Emma gave her first talk in Sacrament meeting. She was very prepared and looked beautiful! I asked her if she wanted any help and she said, "no mom I can do it". Well, it reminded me of when she was three and was giving her first talk in Primary. I was conducting the meeting, and stepped up to help her and she turned around and said, "no mom I can do it myself". Some things just don't change. She is still as independent as ever and I think she is a beautiful young woman and I am so proud of her and the good choices she is making. Love ya Emma!


Ester is now eating cereal. I can't believe it. She quite likes it. It is amazing to think she is 4 months old.

I'm 10!!!!!!!

Spencer is now 10! He is so happy to be in double digits. On the morning of his birthday he we overheard him say "I am finially 10, I can't believe it." He is now asking to sit in the front seat of the suburban. He thinks he is now old enough, and we remind him, not until he is 12. We had a fun birthday. We went bowling and had the power go out three times while we were at the bowling alley. There was a bad storm that had blown into town and caused quite abit of damage. We had fun, even if we had to wait a few minutes for the power to come back on.

Atlanta Temple

A few weeks ago we went to the Atlanta Temple. We enjoy visiting the grounds on Sunday afternoon. This was a beautiful day in Atlanta. The humidity and weather was quite lovely. We probably won't be in Atlanta much longer and it was fun to be at the Temple one last time.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Esther's Blessing

While we were in Utah we blessed our sweet little Eshter. She was born April 1, 2008 and was blessed in July. She was three months old. It is wonderful to have her in our family and life. She has brought many blessings to each of us.

All ready for the big day!!!

Our family!

Grandma and Grandpa with Eshter, Spencer, Andrew and Emma.

My Grandmother (98) holding Esther. It was such a blessing for me to see her hold Esther and love her.

John's mom and dad with Eshter.

We had a wonderful time in Utah duing the month of June. As always being in the mountains brings me great joy and peace.

O ye mountains high, where the clear blue sky arches over the vales of the free,
Where the pure breezes blow and the clear streamlets flow,
How I've longed to your bosom to flee!
Now my own mountain home, unto thee I will come; All my fond hopes are centered in thee.

O Ye Mountains High (Hymn 34)
This is a new experience for me to have a blog. My sister Kimberlie has been waiting for me to do one and I finially decided to do it. I am sure there will be a few changes along the way, as I am still learning about all of this. I hope you enjoy seeing our family and getting to know us better.