Friday, October 31, 2008

A Job is Found.

As most of you know, John has been looking for work the past 4 - 5 months. He has sent many resumes out and had quite a few phone interviews and face to face interviews. Well, in September he sent out a resume to a company in Salt Lake and they called a week later and had a phone interview with John. A week later they called to arrange plans for a face to face interview on Oct. 1. John flew to Utah and had a great interview and we felt that this would be the job, but it took forever to hear from the, and then once we heard an offer was coming it took another two weeks to get the offer. We accepted the offer and on Monday, November 10, 2008 we are moving back to Utah. We are all very excited. We are putting the house on the market and pray it will not take to long for it to sell and hopefully we will be able to find a new home in Utah very soon.

It has been an interesting year and there have been many challenges, but we have "enjoyed the journey". We look forward to being closer to family and friends in Utah and for the new friends we will make. The Lord has been so good to us and the blessings, even in our trials, have been amazing. Thank you all for your prayers, support and kindnesses these past months. May you all be blessed for your goodness. We love you all!!

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!

Andrew celebrated his 7th birthday on Oct. 8. He had a wonderful birthday. He wanted to go to Stevie B's and have pizza and play games. So that is what we did. It was a fun evening. We then came home and had birthday cake and opened presents. It was really fun. Andrew is in 1st grade and loves to read. He is doing great at reading the big words in the Book of Mormon. He loves to play games on the wii and Star Wars and Lego games on the internet. He is kind and hepful and loves to hang out with his brother Spencer. I love you my Andrew! You are a wonderful son!

Happy Halloween

We wanted to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. We saw this on the Neil Boortz website and wanted to share it. Enjoy!